
How to Make Bubble Snakes

Bubble snakes are super easy to make and are great fun for kids of all ages. Younger children will enjoy blowing lots of bubbles easily, while older children can design their own unique bubble makers and even create an investigation using them.

What you need to make a bubble snake:
– Small tube or plastic bottle
– Elastic band
– Bubble mix
– Old cloth or sock for the end
– Sharp scissors or pen knife

Bubble Snake Instructions:
1. Cut the bottom off your water bottle – ask an adult to help and be careful as the end might be sharp.
2. Cover the end of the bottle with a piece of cloth and secure tightly with an elastic band.
3. Dip the cloth end into bubble mix.
4. Blow carefully down the other end of the bottle and watch as a bubble snake appears! Remember to blow down the bottle, not suck.

Make it an investigation:
– Experiment using different types of bottles (with wider and thinner bases) to create the ultimate bubble machine.
– Try blowing softly and then with more force, and observe how the bubble snake is different.

Extension Tasks:
– Can you spot a rainbow in the bubbles? Try adding food coloring to your bubble mix to make a colored bubble snake.
– How does a bubble snake work? When you blow air through a bubble snake maker, hundreds of tiny bubbles are created. The bubbles stick to each other, creating a big, long snake.
– Why are bubbles round? Bubbles consist of a thin film of soapy water filled with air. When you blow a bubble, the film expands outward, and the forces acting between the molecules of the bubble cause it to form the shape that encloses the most volume with the least surface area – a sphere.
– Why can you see colors in bubbles? Colors are seen because of light diffracting through the soap film.

Science fair project ideas:
– Try using different materials on the end of your bubble snake and predict which will make the best bubbles.
– Can you find a material that will give you bigger bubbles?
– What happens if you blow more slowly?
– Can you find a recipe for the best bubble mix?
– Make a double bubble snake.

Other Bubble Experiments for Kids:
– Build a bubble blowing machine.
– Make giant bubbles with a hula hoop.
– Find out why bubbles pop.
– Make square bubbles.

Article last updated on July 8, 2023.